Insertion using ‘Ctrl+ w’, Changing Reference Points

When inserting or positioning elements, you can, as long as the particular element allows it and before the process is terminated with a mouse click, change reference points by pressing ‘Ctrl+w’ as often as required.

The following illustration shows two simple examples which demonstrate this feature. The position of the cursor is indicated by the blue cross. On the left we see the polygonal insertion of a wall and the positioning of a 3D object, a table, without pressing ‘Ctrl+w’. The wall is inserted on the cursor relative to its axis and the table is positioned relative to the centre of the object. On the right we see the difference after ‘Ctrl+w’ has been pressed once. The wall is now aligned on the cursor relative to its right-hand side and the table relative to its lower left-hand corner.

3D CAD Architecture image11 31 Insertion using ‘Ctrl+ w`, Changing Reference Points

Insertion using ‘Ctrl+ w`, Changing Reference Points