Angle grid

An angle grid can be activated during the input of elements that require a start and an end point (e.g. walls and dimensions), by keeping the ‘CTRL’ key pressed. With an angle grid activated, movement of the mouse cursor is limited to the angle specified. This construction aid simplifies, amongst other things, horizontal and vertical input, without having to worry about precise movement of the mouse.

In addition, the ‘Use length Grid’ option not only makes it possible to rotate elements entered in the angle grid, but also ensures that the length entered for an element is adjusted to match to the grid spacing. A wall is automatically extended, e.g. in 50 cm steps, when the grid spacing is set to 50 cm. When this option is activated  you can ‘work’ in a grid, even though the standard grid is deactivated, and even insert diagonal lengths with a fixed spacing.

The basic snap options also apply when the angle grid is activated, so that in certain cases it is possible that input can result in angles that differ from the original angle grid settings. However, this can be prevented with the option ‘Collect snap points’. If this option is set the snap points of other elements are determined, but are adjusted to conform to the angle grid.

This guarantees, that you always work within the specified angle


3D CAD Architecture image11 43 Angle grid



Angle grid