Creating your own Windows and Doors, Chunk Type ‘Opening’

The Chunk type for ‘Opening’ specifies all the properties that windows and doors require in order to be used as construction elements. The most important information is for the ‘opening solid’, which creates the corresponding opening when the object is inserted in a wall. The contour of the ‘opening solid’ is normally recognised automatically with the ‘Find Contour’ button. Depending on the modelling of the 3D object, the automatic contour may however contain a unnecessarily large number of contour points, for example if the model contains finely modelled curves. Each of the contour points generated can be selected in the list and edited or deleted. If the ‘Show ‘opening solid’ option is active, the effect on the ‘opening solid’ can be seen directly in the object preview.

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If the object is later to be inserted correctly in a wall, a depth correction must be specified. This correction is necessary, especially with rabbets, since only the frame is of interest when positioning the window, and not the casements and their fittings or other elements contained in the 3D model. The simplest method to obtain the required values, is to drag the 3D object into a 2D plan view, and to measure it there accurately with the aid of guidelines, the ‘Center guideline’ option delivers the required axes directly. The values obtained can then be entered with the chunk editor.

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Creating your own Windows and Doors, Chunk Type ‘Opening`