Terrain Forms

The software provides a range of predefined landscape forms to enable you to landscape the terrain.

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Suitable tools are provided for inserting the various landscape forms. For instance, to enter a slope, an area and a gradient must be defined, whereas a plateau only requires a rectangle to be entered. After an area has been defined for the landscape form, the corresponding dialog is opened. The possible settings in the dialogs for the various landscape forms are basically similar in all dialogs.

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Worth mentioning are the options, ‘Replace existing terrain’, ‘Add to existing terrain’ and ‘Height points only’.

The option ‘Height points only’ causes the landscape form to lose its properties, and only individual height points, which can only be edited individually, are inserted for the project. Therefore, it is not possible later to simply change the height of a landscape form, but instead every single point must be adjusted.

The ‘replace’ and ‘add’ options behave as illustrated in the following figure for two plateaus, which in both case are situated above each other. On the right, a small plateau was entered above an existing one and created with the ‘add’ option. The new plateau automatically assumed the height of the ground at this point and was inserted. Terraces result. On the left, the existing ground was replaced at this point. The small plateau has assumed a height of zero and has created a hollow, corresponding to its shape, in the existing plateau.

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Terrain Forms