3D CAD Architecture image11 159 View Points View Points

A view point defines a position in a 3D scene which can be saved under a given name and used again at any time. You can access the view points defined in the project over the list displayed on the left of the ‘Save view point’ 3D CAD Architecture image11 159 View Points button.

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A click on the desired view point changes the 3D view to reflect the chosen position. View points are, as opposed to other properties of 3D views, common to a project, which means their positions apply to all 3D views of a project, and not only for the view in which they were created.

When a view is saved, you can allocate it a name and save options. The save options apply when images are saved and specify in advance the desired settings. You can find more details about this feature in the chapter ‘Saving Images’.

You can delete existing view points over the dialog which is opened with a right mouse click on the 3D CAD Architecture image11 159 View Points button. You can remove the positions which are checked in the tree structure with a click on the ‘delete’ button, before you exit the dialog with ‘OK’.

3D CAD Architecture image11 198 View Points 

View Points