Geographical Location

With the aid of ‘Geographical Location’ you can define your location, or to be exact the location of your property with longitude and latitude, if the values are known.

Alternatively you can load predefined locations for your country from a database which is stored as a XML-file in the directory ‘\Program’. The name of the XML-file is ‘Citydata.xml’, and as long as the structure and hierarchy of the file are observed, you can extend the file yourself by adding further countries or places.

The desired location can be selected from a list of place names in the ‘Geographical Location’ dialog. To avoid having to make a choice of location by scrolling through thousands of place names, the drop down menu is automatically modified as soon as you start to enter a name. Therefore if you enter ‘LON’ in the field, only place names beginning with these three letters are shown.

3D CAD Architecture image11 184 Geographical Location

Geographical Location