Layer construction / Multi-layer walls

3D CAD Architecture image11 337 Layer construction / Multi layer walls

When walls are being inserted, the top layer is always created on the right in the direction of insertion. For walls which do not form or change the contour of a building, the user must therefore decide by the direction of input, on which side the layers should be shown.

If a wall consists of multiple layers, the software proceeds from bottom to top for the layers defined in the ‘layer construction’ dialog. The top layer is therefore treated as the outside layer of the wall or building. When walls are being inserted, it is not always known in advance whether the individual walls, which create a polygon, form the exterior contour of the building when input is completed, if this is the case, the order of the layers is reversed automatically if necessary.

Example: In the following illustration we see a room and to the right of it a further room, which is being inserted as a polygon and which will be completed with the next mouse-click. Both rooms were created in a clockwise direction, therefore we see on the right that the insulation is on the ‘inside’, i.e. on the right in the direction of input. For the room on the left the insulation is on the ‘outside’, because if it formed its own exterior contour and the order of the layers in the walls was reversed when the room was completed. The same will happen for the room on the right as soon as  input is completed.

3D CAD Architecture image11 338 Layer construction / Multi layer walls

Layer construction / Multi-layer walls