Interior Walls

First we want to draw two load-bearing interior walls in the plan. The menu item for ‘Supporting interior wall’ can be found by a click on the arrow next to the button for ‘External wall’in the left-hand vertical toolbar.

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A click on the menu item for ‘Supporting wall (interior) makes the wall available as a tool in the left-hand vertical toolbar. If the cursor is positioned over the button a tool tip indicates that it is for the Supporting wall.

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A right mouse-click on the button opens the properties dialog for ‘Walls’. Here we can specify details of how the wall should be constructed.

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We accept the default settings and close the dialog with ‘OK’.

The first interior wall is to be inserted in the plan parallel to the left-hand exterior wall and at a distance of 4.00 m from it. To do this, click on the fourth button in the second vertical toolbar, ‘Insert parallel wall’.

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Next the program expects, as you can see in the status bar at the bottom of the window, a reference line to be selected. Click on the inside edge of the left-hand exterior wall. Subsequently a parallel line is attached to the cursor. Now move the cursor to the left bottom inside corner of the plan until the blue cross, which indicates its exact position, snaps to the inside corner. With a right mouse-click open the context menu, select ‘Constructional support’ and then ‘Coordinates’ “.

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This opens the ‘Insert point’ dialog. The same dialog can also be opened by pressing ‘p’ on the keyboard as soon as the blue cross is positioned at the inside corner.

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As you can see in the illustration you can perform calculations in the input fields of the dialog. Enter ‘+4.0’ in the field for the x-coordinate and confirm it with ‘OK’. The interior wall is now attached to the cursor. Using the key combination ‘Ctrl+w’ select the left-hand side of the wall as the reference side and drag it out to the opposite exterior wall. Drop it there with a left mouse-click.

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You can check the position of the wall with a dimension line. To do this, click on the ‘Dimensions’ button 3D CAD Architecture image11 83 Interior Walls. In the second vertical toolbar click on the topmost button ‘Single dimension’. With the first and second mouse-click we set the start and end point of the dimension line, with the third mouse-click its position.

We now insert a second supporting interior wall, as shown in the illustration.

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For this you can use the same construction aids as for the first interior wall. In this case however we need to use the y-coordinate. Do not forget to select the reference side of the wall with ‘Ctrl+w’. Now select ‘Non-supporting interior wall’.

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Insert in the plan a non-load-bearing interior wall as a parallel wall using the construction aid ‘Coordinates’, in the same way as previously for a supporting interior wall.

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Now select the large room on the left so that it is highlighted in red. Activate the ‘Room’ dialog with a click on ‘Properties’ in the context menu, which is opened with a right mouse-click.

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Change the name of the room to ‘Lounge’. In the same way change the names of the other rooms appropriately.

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Interior Walls