Performance, Resolution, Number of Surfaces

With various rounded solids such as spheres and cylinders, and also with rotation solids, it can easily happen that 3D objects with a large number of surfaces are created which are not totally necessary, and which only serve to put an unnecessary load on the system or make the task more difficult later. Therefore, it is advisable at the start to check the number of surfaces of a 3D construction from time to time and to adjust certain parameters, such as the number of segments for spheres and cylinders, or the number of curved segments in the contour of a rotation solid, to meet the actual requirements.

The model of a baluster is created from two cylinders with a diameter of 2 cm and a sphere with a diameter of 4cm. If a sphere with the standard settings of 16 x 16 segments and two cylinders each with 16 segments are used, then the baluster as a 3D object has in total the following surfaces:

2 x 60 surfaces for the two cylinders

480 surfaces for the sphere

Total: 600 surfaces per baluster.

If 30 balusters are used for the banister, then alone this part of the banister has 18,000 surfaces. Surfaces that are not only represented in 3D, but which also have to be calculated for a alternative 2D representation in plan views and 2D representation in cross-sections.

If the setting for the cylinders is changed to 6 segments and for the sphere to 8 x 8, then the allocation of surfaces is as follows:

2 x 20 surfaces for the two cylinders

112 surfaces for the sphere

Total: 152 surfaces per baluster.

That means 4,560 surfaces for 30 balusters, i.e. 13,440 less surfaces. With the small diameters involved the difference would be hardly noticeable anyway, as long as a close-up view of the banister is not calculated.

For each 3D object the number of surfaces is shown in its properties dialog.

3D CAD Architecture image11 527 Performance, Resolution, Number of Surfaces

Therefore, depending on the model, always check the number of surfaces, and only create those surfaces that are necessary for the particular application.

Performance, Resolution, Number of Surfaces