Inserting Images

When the function for ‘Insert image’ is selected, the standard dialog for ‘Open file’ is opened, in which you can choose the desired image file. Following this, the software expects a rectangle to be entered, which is then filled with the image. The properties of the image and the surrounding rectangle can be changed subsequently if desired over the properties dialog, which is opened with a double click, or over the context menu.

3D CAD Architecture image11 470 Inserting Images

It should be noted that if the dimensions of the image are changed, the image will be distorted, if the values for height and width are adjusted manually without retaining the original width-to-height ratio. The ‘Maintain aspect ratio’ option prevents distortion, by allowing only one of the two values for width and height to be entered, the other value is then adjusted automatically.

If a value for ‘Angle’ is specified, the image and its surrounding rectangle are rotated in the plan.

Inserting Images