Editing 2D Elements

The following functions for editing 2D graphic elements can be found in the appropriate ‘Edit 2D Graphics’ toolbar.

3D CAD Architecture image11 471 Editing 2D Elements

Alternatively, the tools can be activated over the context menu, as soon as a line or polygon has been selected.

3D CAD Architecture image11 472 Editing 2D Elements


3D CAD Architecture button Editing 2D ElementsParallel Copy

3D CAD Architecture button Editing 2D ElementsTrimming Lines

3D CAD Architecture button Editing 2D ElementsTrimming a Line at an Intersection

3D CAD Architecture button Editing 2D Elements Tools for Inputting Parallel Lines and Polygons

3D CAD Architecture button Editing 2D ElementsScaling 2D-Elements

3D CAD Architecture button Editing 2D ElementsScaling Images and 2D Elements numerically

Editing 2D Elements